Need information or assistance?
Our priority is to provide you with a rapid and high-quality response when you need it. The various means of contacting us are set out below.
Our contacts
+33 (0)2 51 85 67 89 (no surcharge for call, price depending on your operator contract and the country you are calling from)
Our teleoperators are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Paris time) to answer all your questions.
Do you have an account with Sharinbox and would like to save time? Help us to better identify you by generating an authentication code available by logging into Sharinbox in the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the page.
+33 (0)2 51 85 53 42 to send your orders
+33 (0)2 51 85 62 15 for any information
Société Générale Securities Services
32 rue du champ de tir CS30812
44308 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE
In case of a problem, dissatisfaction or disagreement, Société Générale commits to studying your request and responding to you.
Société Générale strives to always offer you the best quality of service. Nevertheless, you may encounter difficulties with the functioning of your account or use of the services provided to you.
Société Générale undertakes to acknowledge receipt of your request within 10 days and to provide you with a response as soon as possible (two months maximum).
You should firstly inform us of your difficulties using the method that best suits you:
- By telephone on +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89 (no surcharge for call, price depending on your operator contract and the country you are calling from)
- Via this website in the "My Messages –My e-mail" section, selecting the theme "My account" and the sub-theme "Other" when you enter your message.
- By fax on +33 (0)2 51 85 00 00
- By post to the following address:
Société Générale Securities Services
Service Relation Clients
32 rue du champ de tir CS30812
44308 Nantes Cedex 3 - FRANCE
If a disagreement continues following the response by our departments, you may refer the matter at your discretion:
- The Mediator of Fédération Bancaire Française (information available on the site: www.lemediateur.fbf.fr)
Le Médiateur de la FBF
CS 151 – 75422 Paris cedex 09 – France - The « Autorité des Marchés Financiers » Mediator (information available on the website: www.amf-france.org)
Mme Marielle Cohen-Branche
Médiateur de l'AMF
Autorité des marchés financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02 – France
The Mediator undertakes to examine the file in view of the respective positions of the customer and the bank, assess the arguments of the parties and give a reasoned decision based on fairness in law and/or in equity. The Mediator shall communicate his or her decision within 90 days from the date of notification of receipt of the documents on which the customer’s claim is based.